Easy Digital Meeting Services AB


Easy Digital Meeting Services AB will work for a better environment by constantly evaluating what we do based on its environmental impact.

This includes

  • increase knowledge and awareness of environmental issues among all employees.
  • influence, make demands on and cooperate with other companies, suppliers, authorities and organizations.
  • see environmental improvement measures as investments.
  • prevent air, soil and water pollution by considering the environmental impact of our actions.
  • constantly strive to improve the use of our resources within the company.

Environmental organization

As of 2017, environmental issues are managed by a dedicated environmental officer, Frans Eklund. The environmental officer increases coordination and integration within the business and with our suppliers.
Through regular staff meetings, discussions with customers and suppliers, we can help drive environmental progress throughout the company.

Action plan

We have drawn up an action plan based on our objectives. The action plan covers the following:

– Source separation of waste
We sort our waste at source and leave paper for recycling.

– Energy saving measures
An established goal is to increase the use of computers and adequate software to reduce the use of paper to disseminate information to staff, customers and suppliers. The company uses low-energy lamps in its lighting fixtures wherever possible.

-Environmentally friendly procurement
An established goal is to always consider environmental aspects when purchasing products used in the business, ranging from vehicles and fuels to copy paper and pens. This has led to a shift towards more environmentally friendly products. Compliance is a must and is discussed at monthly staff meetings.

– Environmental requirements for our suppliers
One of the company’s environmental objectives is to influence our main suppliers to always consider environmental aspects in their production and operations.

– Travel
One of the environmental goals set for the business is that travel should be done with as little environmental impact as possible. Therefore, e.g. Choose trains over flights – if possible.